Gateways Program
The Master of Science in Medical Sciences Gateways Program at The Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University advising system supports, mentors, and coaches students throughout the program.
The Master of Science in Medical Sciences Gateways Program at The Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University advising system supports, mentors, and coaches students throughout the program.




Formal Professional/Personal Advisor & Coach (Gateways Community Advisors)
- Students are assigned to an advisor
- Usually 2 or 3:1 ratio
- 1:1 meetings at least once per month
- Advisors do not have an evaluation role in the program
- Goals:
- Supporting, mentoring & coaching students throughout the program
- Safe “go to” person for issues/concerns (outside the program) – helps problem solve and find solutions
- Focus depends on needs of students (eg. study skills/academic, career planning, stress management)
- Can help with personal statements, connection to resources, etc.
- Advisors get ongoing faculty development
Director of Graduate Study (Dr. Anandarajah)
- Monitors students’ progress closely
- Routine, periodic, brief “check-in” meetings to review learning goals and progress
- Helps guide academic progress, goals and plans
- Usual first point of contact for academic concerns, requests for extensions, missing required sessions, etc.
- Works closely with the Gateways Academic Standing & Per-Health Committee
- For more serious issues, will need to involve Graduate School/School of Professional Studies Associate Dean for Student Support and/or Associate Dean for Master’s Education
Other Academic Advisors
- Learning Specialist at AMS
- Coaching, testing, accommodations (contact person for SEARS)
- Graduate School/School of Professional Studies Leadership:
- Associate Dean for Master’s Education
Capstone Project Mentors
- Course Directors and Small Group Leaders for Patient Care in Complex Systems
- act as overall capstone project mentors
- help move your project along to completion
- Clinical Site Mentors
Pre-Health Advising
- Gateways Pre-Health Team
- Dr. Anandarajah, Director of Gateways – general pre-health advising, committee letters, some mock interviews
- Dr. Deborah Gutman, Director, Pre-Health Advising
- Assistant Director for Advising, Student Support & Outreach (Jeffrey Kulie) – main roles: general pre-health advising, committee letter writing, personal statement reviews, secondaries, etc
- Sean Curran, Assistant Director for Education, Evaluation & Advising – main roles: mock interviews, reviewing personal statements, secondaries, etc
- Gateways Community Advisors & Small Group Leaders.
- Other Brown University Resources
- Assistant Director for Professional Development, School of Prof Studies – Resume, cover letters, workshops, etc. (eg. for gap year jobs)
- CareerLab – CVs, job search, Mock interviews, etc
- Brown Univ Writing Center – personal statement feedback, etc
- Students are encouraged to utilize their undergraduate school’s pre-health advisors and other reliable resources.
- Students are strongly encouraged to use the help available for a variety of purposes:
- eg. Strategic planning re: timing of application and/or MCAT exam, personal statements, AMCAS activities, CVs, choosing letter writers, etc.
- We will conduct workshops in the Spring Semester on med school applications process, etc.
- Committee Letter: The Gateways Pre-Health Committee will generate a letter to support students’ application to medical school, graduate school, etc. (if requested by student). Dr. Anandarajah oversees the letter writing process and edits/finalizes all letters. This could be a:
- “committee letter & letter package” or
- “committee letter” to submit to undergraduate pre-health committee.
- For people applying at the beginning of the program – you can request an “Academic Progress Report” from Dr. Anandarajah (usually sent in Nov).
Gateways General Student Support
- Gateways Admin Team
Graduate School/School of Prof Studies/University Resources
- Associate Dean for Student Support for Masters Students, School of Professional Studies – and team are available to help connect students to a variety of resources available to support students’ academic and personal needs.
- SEAS – Student and Employee Accessibility Services
- CAPS – Counseling and Psychological Services
- Student Health Services